Monday, December 20, 2010

Cicci Family Trip...CANCELLED

Here are the details.  Since there is heavy snow in London (and most of Europe) the Cicci family's trip has been cancelled. By the time we could catch a plane, Christmas would be over.  The good news is that our Dad is coming home for Christmas.  Yay,  Christmas is saved!  My mom says that a trip to India is in our future, just not sure when.  Thanks for checking into our blog, we hope to share our experience sometime soon.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


We haven't arrived...yet.  :(  There is snow all over Europe and British Airways closed down.  We will now leave on Sunday.  Our adventure has only been delayed.  Now Dad will meet us in Mumbai.  Here is a picture of us at the airport!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Preparing for the Trip

We are getting packed and ready for our trip.  We are also getting some practice with this blog.  Next step, notifying our friends and family so they can come along with us through the blog!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Are you as excited as I am?

I think we will have a great family experience, a truly unique "Indian Christmas"!