Sunday, August 21, 2011

Garden Nursery=Adventure

This isn't our normal Home Depot stop for lawn and garden supplies but I have been anxious to get over to this garden spot since we arrived.  Setting up a home includes having some plants and flowers of your own.  Mission accomplished.  After navigating through the squishy mud wearing flip flops, working through a language barrier, getting bitten by red ants, and negotiating a price, we did it!

This man potted our palm for us while Charlie tried bargaining on the price of all our items.  Great service that we can not get at Home Depot.  

I caught this moment while we were loading the car.  She picked up the little drinking pot I had picked out and started smiling.  I am not sure if she is the one who made it or was actually wanting to pose for a picture.  It may have been both.  What a special moment in time.  

Garden stop- mission accomplished.  Charlie and I set out where we want all the plants to go and will talk to our gardener, Anji, this morning.  Definitely extra Rupees for Anji for helping us out with our mission.  

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Day of School!

The boys had their first day of school and thought it was "Awesome".  They each met lots of new friends, decorated their locker, decided to bring their lunch to school each day, they like their teachers and are looking forward to art class, French and Hindi classes and more...Bus ride was good and we are all looking forward to making it the best school year yet!  

Sunday, August 14, 2011


The Charminar literally means, 4 minars (pillars).  It was built in 1591 by the fifth Qutb Shah to mark the end of the plague that struck Hyderabad.  It is part of the old city and has become and integral part of it's history and tourism.  There are four streets that lead from each of the four pillars.  One of the famous streets is named, "bangle alley" for the numerous bangle vendors. Quite a sight to see.  We were there during Ramzan (Ramadan) and learned that the neighboring Mosque holds 10,000 people for prayer.  Those that come on Fridays and are unable to fit in the Mosque, bring a newspaper to lay on the ground outside the Mosque in order to participate.  Several food vendors are there in preparation for dusk, when the Muslims can eat after a full day of fasting.

This is a holiday weekend for India celebrating their independence from Britain.  It is also a holiday for Hindus.  The holiday is called Rakhi which is an occasion for siblings to show their mutual affection.  Traditionally, sisters will tie a bracelet around her brother's wrist and the brother will give his sister a small gift.  Each symbolizes their bond.  There is a lot going on around here along with school starting on Tuesday.  More information to post on our blog shortly.

Bangle Alley

Charminar has giant winding steps, even for a 7 year old

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Golkonda Fort, Hyderabad

Toured the fort and Muslim royalty tombs on Monday, 8th of August.  We played with the acoustics and warning system the soldiers used back in 1500's.  By clapping their hands in the portico of main gate, the sound travelled to the king located all the way at the top of the fort.  We also saw bats, climbed a 450 year old tree from Africa, met some Indian friends, and gawked at local movie stars getting ready to film a Telegu (local Bollywood) film.

450 years old

Golkonda Fort built in 1500's used boulders as foundation

Masjid (mosque in front, fort in background)

Tomb for a Muslim Queen

Friday, August 5, 2011

Our Home

We just had our first meal in our house.  It was delicious!  All the comforts of home but in a camping type feel for the time being.  Thanks to some creative packing, we had something familiar for our first meal...pasta with Paul Newman's sauce, fresh green beans and tomato slices.  Chunks of chocolate for dessert.  Not bad after an exhausting day of waiting for various deliveries of which 50% showed up today.  Again, not bad.

Here is a picture of our villa and my new little kite flying friends.

I was able to grab a few shots of a boy and his buddies (live on the other side of the silver aluminum wall in house picture) playing with his brand new kite made of newspaper.  He rolled the string on an empty water bottle and was showing off his skills while I took pictures.