Sunday, August 21, 2011

Garden Nursery=Adventure

This isn't our normal Home Depot stop for lawn and garden supplies but I have been anxious to get over to this garden spot since we arrived.  Setting up a home includes having some plants and flowers of your own.  Mission accomplished.  After navigating through the squishy mud wearing flip flops, working through a language barrier, getting bitten by red ants, and negotiating a price, we did it!

This man potted our palm for us while Charlie tried bargaining on the price of all our items.  Great service that we can not get at Home Depot.  

I caught this moment while we were loading the car.  She picked up the little drinking pot I had picked out and started smiling.  I am not sure if she is the one who made it or was actually wanting to pose for a picture.  It may have been both.  What a special moment in time.  

Garden stop- mission accomplished.  Charlie and I set out where we want all the plants to go and will talk to our gardener, Anji, this morning.  Definitely extra Rupees for Anji for helping us out with our mission.  


  1. I'm so impressed with your organizqation and commitment to this enterprise. Keep on blogging. We are learning so much.
    Mom and Dad

  2. Ok, this blog rocks....
