Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Book Talk- "Saraswati's Way"

View Grant's participation in the 6th Grade Language Arts class in Winfield.  Thanks Mrs. Kersten!

Hello everybody,
Since most of you had the same questions, I'm going to answer them all at once.

Akash is just like any other boy who belongs in a poor family today. He thought he was being betrayed by the gods, Saraswati and Ganesha, because life for him isn't going too well. A family member dies, his family doesn't have enough money to pay for their farming land, and he almost gets arrested twice! Like I said, he's on a journey to get money for a good education and to keep his family's land. No one tried to stop him from doing this because Akash didn't tell anybody. I think my favorite character in this book is Ramesh.  Ramesh is a man that gives Akash a job at his magazine stall and teaches him english.  The reason I like him is because he is really nice to Akash. 

Hope this answers all of your questions,

P.S.  I didn't get this book at a book store. I got it on Amazon.com. How awesome, right?


  1. Nice book talk, Grant! One question, though. You said he was trying to save his family's land. What exactly is he saving it from? Please let me know soon. Good job!

  2. Great book talk, Grant! I gave the class an assignment to comment on your blog about your book. They may have questions. If they do, I hope you will be able to answer them. Take care. Mrs. Kersten

  3. Awesome book, I love how it involves gods and how it connects to India
    Jake Burgess

  4. Sounds like a good book.I just have one question. How come he thinks the gods are betraying him?

  5. Nice book talk. Who are the Hindu gods and why were they betraying him?

    Joshua Lim

  6. Nice book talk grant. Just one question why are hindu gods betraying.


  7. Great book talk! I think it's really cool your in a way in are class! I just have two questions why are the gods betraying him and why is he trying to save his families land? Thanks!

  8. Great book talk Grant! Sounds like a good book! I just have one question. Why does he thing the gods are betraying him? Thanks Grant! Hope to hear from you soon!! :)

  9. Great book talk Grant! Sounds like a good book! I just have one question. Why does he think that the gods are betraying him? Thanks! Hope to hear from you soon! :)

  10. I thought it was really creative how you chose I book about a boy from India? Is the boy from the book like any other boy there, or is it from a different generation?

  11. H Grant! We hope you are doing well and can't wait to hear from you about your book.

    Mrs. K

    1. Just found out the responses Grant was sending did not go through. Please let the class know there is a delay but responses are coming. We are still working out the kinks in attending class via blog. Thanks everyone!

    2. No problem. We are a patient group. I still can't believe we can communicate as well as we do!!! Sure is different from when I grew up.

    3. Hi Mrs Kersten,
      This is Grant. Just wanted to tell you that I posted my answers to the questions at the top. Thank you for letting me participate from India. This makes school work fun!

  12. Great Book talk Grant! And I have a question,where did you get this book?

  13. Hi Grant that was very interesting. Was there any body trying to stop him from getting money for his family? Who was your favorite character?

  14. Hey Grant! I loved your book talk, and it was a great eye-opener to the culture of India! Just one question: What happened to his family's land?
