Monday, May 21, 2012

The Great Migration and Ngorongoro Crater

On our way out of the Serengeti, we saw hundreds of thousands wildebeest and zebras.  They had just begun congregating, moving north toward Kenya.  We were very fortunate to have seen this--an awesome sight with herds of animals stretched across the plains all the way to the horizon.

Garrett was captivated with this male agama lizard.  According to our guide, it was mating season, so the males were out on the rocks in plain sight, bobbing their heads up and down to attract the attention of the females.  Who could resist the vibrant red, blue, and yellow colors?

Along the rim of the Ngorongoro Crater, Grant and Garrett stopped to pose with the skull of a Cape buffalo.  We needed to have an armed guide with us, not to protect us from lions, but to protect us from live buffalo.  We learned that humans are more vulnerable to attacks from buffalo and elephants than from lions and other predators.

This is one of our favorites--what looks like a mutant giraffe towering over the trees.  The giraffe was actually eating from small bushes that look like trees.

Kim and Charlie at the top of the crater as the sun was setting.  An unforgettable moment.

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