Sunday, March 27, 2011


We arrived in Jodhpur and met our driver, Salim Malik who is going to be with us the rest of our adventure.  He took us to our hotel, Bal Samad Garden Retreat.  Our room used to be part of the water canal system for the Maharaja in Jodhpur and later his horse stables.  Sounds weird but the hotel and grounds were amazing! We heard peacock calls,which sounded like Kevin in the movie UP, and toured the grounds to discover more.  Oh boy, did we discover more!  We saw monkeys which were not afraid of us.  They even let us get close to them.  We also saw a tree filled with something we thought were either little monkeys or birds.  They were actually giant fruit bats!  Hundreds of them!  When mom saw the tree, she was so suprised it looked like her head was going to come off.  We really got into the wildlife.  We found vines from a Banyan tree and swung on them like Tarazan.  At the end of the day we went to Megh Fort.  We looked out and saw the entire city of Jodhpur, known as the blue city because they paint their houses a light blue color. We later ate dinner at the fort, on the rooftop, at night under the stars.   


  1. Whoooa! That's Kai & I in unison when we read about dinner under the stars! Yowzer - giant bats? Monkeys? We hear those critters can pick your pockets. Tell us about the smells too. From the looks of the wall they're perched on I suspect it's rather earthy. At the plantation could you actually smell the cinnamon & vanilla?
    It's 1st day of spr. brk & we're back from a recon mission of the neighborhood. All's quiet on the western front!

  2. Megh fort that sounds like my kind of place! You guys sure are having an awesome adventure! Can't wait to hear more, and Grant you are giving a great commmentary! You could be a tourism journalist; I'd book a trip after reading all this. :)

  3. Hi guys! This is so exciting, love the great pictures!

  4. Guys
    I don't think we have figured out how to manage these postings yet but we are enjoying your blog greatly. We have discovered Sophie is afraid of thunder storms and wants to sleep on our pillows with us. What fun! I hope you are taking lots of pictures because we'll want a detailed review when you get back. Have fun.
    MoMo & PaPa
